Prepare Hiking with Kids

We all know it’s a challenge to hike with kids, but you don’t have to put your hiking hobby “on hold” when you become a parent. As we mentioned in the previous article, both you and your little one should go outdoors to get exercise, breathe fresh air, and enjoy the natural world.
We wanted to provide you with a few tips on how to make hiking with your kids easier.
Remember you are going to hike with your little one, so select hikes that aren’t too long or too challenging for you to do. Choose something fun and simple to start off. Choose trails that have shade, waterfalls, streams, or lakes. This can help cultivate your & and your kid’s interest in outdoor activities and help create a curiosity about nature.
Additionally, time is your friend, so ensure that you provide plenty of it for you and your hiking buddy to enjoy it. Doing so, it makes it more enjoyable and less stressful. On top of that, it gives time for discovering and exploring the world.
Check & dress for the weather
Bringing the correct gear is essential. Make sure you bring suitable clothes for both your little one and yourself - warm clothes for the cold, breathable clothes for the heat:
- Rain clothes: If you are going on a hike in a wet climate, consider taking rain ponchos and other rain gear. they're not only useful in rainy weather, but they're also great for blocking wind on those gusty days.
- Hats and gloves for everybody: mornings can still be chilly, even during summer.
- Adequate footwear: You'll need hiking shoes suitable for the terrain ranging from sandals to toddler boots.
- Clothes for changing: You can leave them in your car. Just in case your kids get wet or muddy, they can change their clothes when you return from the trial.
Child Carriers & Backpacks
Consider investing in a child carrier backpack. It makes it easier for you and your child to get through the rough terrain or help your kids be carried if they are tired. On top of that, you can also pack all the essentials that you might need into the backpacks.
Moreover, you can give your kids a backpack for them to carry, even if it is empty at first, so they are accustomed to helping with the load. It is easy for them to bring along their little toys, rain jackets, extra pants (kids tend to get dirty!), and socks.
Pack healthy food & water
Hiking requires energy. Kids may not realize how thirsty they are because they are so focused on their new environment. Bringing plenty of healthy snacks is a good idea to keep your kids in a good spirit.
As given, make sure you bring more than enough water. Bringing a reusable flask like a Hydro Flask helps your water cool but if you feel that is not enough water, consider using a hydration pack. (Our Urban Explorer model has a compatible slot to carry hydrations packs).
Keep your child entertained
You now have your kids with you on your hike, but how do you get your kids active? To start off, engage with your little one and play adventure games as I spy. Ask them to look out for things such as:
- Furry Animals
- Bugs/butterflies
- Flowers
- Rocks
- Clouds
- Water
- Different tree leaves
With these recommendations, you are now ready to head out on your hiking adventure Just make sure you bring a camera to record the growth journey of your kids! Hope these tips can help you prepare for your new adventure! If you have some great tips, share them in the comment & share your photos with us!